Moby Dick.

That’s it.

The thing I’ve made that I’m the most proud of.

My daughter Edie and I had just finished reading the Herman Melville illustrated classic together in late September. So when the conversation turned to what costumes we were going to make this year, naturally…a giant whale seemed apt.

Now, in this day and age the interwebs usually has the answer. But no one out there seemed to have made a Moby Dick before. So the slate was blank.

We did a few sketches.

And then I got to work.

It wasn’t pretty. Wire. Hot glue. Duck tape. Lots of thick white felt.

But that’s what made it so fun. While no one could see how the the great white whale came to be, in the end, it was simpler than you could imagine.

It was then particularly fitting that when we sought to add some teeth, Ava’s older sister and her best friend Kat shipped out the old craft standby of egg cartons. A little white paint and Moby had his finishing touches.

Of course, crown of blue that Edie wore as part of Moby’s water spout was all her, so I can’t pretend to take all the credit.

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